(1)Believed + (2)Baptized = (3)Saved
JESUS said, "He who has (1)believed and has been (2)baptized shall be (3)saved; but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned." Mark 16:16, nasb. Some who practice INFANT BAPTISM say, "He who has been (2)baptized shall be (3)saved, and later, when old enough, shall (1)believe." Those who teach salvation by FAITH ONLY say, "He who has (1)believed shall be (3)saved, and then shall be (2)baptized." The SELF-RIGHTEOUS say, "He who is a good moral man can be (3)saved without (1)believing and being (2)baptized." What do YOU say? What does YOUR CHURCH say?
I wonder if we would all say the same thing if Jesus said, "He who has (1)believed and has been (2)baptized shall (3)receive $10,000; but he who has disbelieved will not"? You think the line at the baptistery would be long? Why do we have trouble and division when Jesus said, "He who has (1)believed and has been (2)baptized shall be (3)SAVED "? Its as simple as 1+2 = 3. Steve Fontenot
If you would like a tract that expands on the role of baptism in salvation, send your name and address (see below).
The Church of Christ in Humble meets at 621 Herman St., corner of Ave. "F" and Herman St., Sundays at 9:30 A.M., 10:30 A.M., and 5:00 P.M. and Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. For further information or to set up a home Bible study, call (281) 446-2562, or write,
humcofc@earthlink.net, or, P. O. Box 2706, Humble, TX, 77347. We invite you to join us in our current study, "Answering Religious Error."