NOT Saved by "Faith Only"

"Wherefore, that we are justified by faith only is a most wholesome doctrine, and very full of comfort." Methodist Discipline, Article IX. But in the Bible we read, "Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and NOT by faith only." (James 2:24). WHICH DO YOU BELIEVE?

Preachers today teach that the moment you "receive Christ as your personal Savior" you are saved. But Jesus said BOTH faith AND baptism are necessary to be saved: "He that believeth AND IS BAPTIZED shall be saved …" (Mark 16:16). WHO DO YOU BELIEVE?

"What shall we do"? When believers ask this question today they are told to pray, acknowledging their salvation. When believers asked the apostles this question, they were told, "Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins …" (Acts 2:37,38).

If you are interested in Bible study, feel free to join us in our current study, "Answering Religious Error," Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m. and Wednesday evenings at 7:30 p.m. We also meet at 5:00 p.m. on Sunday for worship. – Steve Fontenot

Church of Christ, 621 Herman St., corner of Ave. "F" and Herman St. For further information or to set up a home Bible study, call (281) 446-2562, or write,, or, P. O. Box 2706, Humble, TX, 77347.