NOT UNLESS . . . (1) ONE GOD IS AS GOOD AS ANOTHER! Different religions worship different gods. (Example: Hinduism). "One God and Father of all," Eph. 4:6. (2) ONE LORD AND SAVIOR IS AS GOOD AS ANOTHER! Different religions believe in different saviors and lords. (Example: Bahai Faith). "one Lord," Eph. 4:5. (3) ONE FAITH IS AS GOOD AS ANOTHER! Different religious bodies espouse different faiths. (Example: Denominationalism). "One faith," Eph. 4:5. (4) ONE BAPTISM IS AS GOOD AS ANOTHER! Different churches practice different baptisms. (Example: Denominationalism). "One baptism," Eph 4:5.

Question: How can one condemn the worship of another "God," or "Lord," yet justify ANY "faith" and approve SEVERAL "baptisms" WHEN THE SAME WORD "ONE" IS APPLIED TO ALL OF THESE IN THE SAME SCRIPTURE??

Feel free to join us in our current study, "Answering Religious Error," Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m. and Wednesday evenings at 7:30 p.m. We also meet at 5:00 p.m. on Sunday for worship. – Steve Fontenot

Church of Christ, 621 Herman St., corner of Ave. "F" and Herman St. For further information or to set up a home Bible study, call (281) 446-2562, or write,, or, P. O. Box 2706, Humble, TX, 77347.