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A Defense [included: Brandon Faunce letter]
A Defense
“We have come to worship Him” Mt 2:2
Give Thanks to the Lord
Denial ≠ Reality
2Jn 11 - Fellowship with a False Teacher
Guard Yourselves from Idols - 1 Jn 5:21
False Teacher - 2Pt 2:1
“But the High Places Were Not Taken Away”
The Great and Foremost Commandment
What Must I Do to be Saved?
Fellowship in the NT
What Do you Think About the Christ?
Let not the church be burdened - 1Tim 5:16
Subjective vs Objective Religion
Baptism is Essential to Salvation
Duties Based on Relationships - Honor Father and Mother
Duties Based on Relationship - Elders' Oversight
Duties Based on Relationships - Withdrawing
Duties Based on Relationships - Partaking of the Lord’s Supper
Duties Based On Relationships - Our Need for Christ
Resurrection in the Old Testament
The Gospel is the Power of God to Salvation Rom 1:16
The “science” god
Suffering: How to Cope
Satan’s Schemes - 2Co 2:6-11
Last Updated: 12/27/2021