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All sermons by Steve Fontenot unless otherwise noted.
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Dec 29 AM, Why Should I Want to Attend All
Bible Classes and Assemblies?
- Should
we want to? Why? What opportunities are presented in these that should
make me want to attend?
Dec 29 PM, Satan’s Attack on the Family
- Satan
is successfully attacking and destroying families. What are his schemes?
This lesson looks at three.
Dec 22 AM, No Room in the Inn
- There
was “no room in the inn” when Joseph and Mary went to Bethlehem. They
did not know who Jesus was. We do. Are we willing to make “room in
the inn,” regardless of who it offends or what it costs us?
Dec 22 PM, The Just Shall Live By Faith - Justin
- This
statement in found in Hab 2:4. What does it
mean? A study designed to help us when challenged with unaswered
questions about God’s moral government.
Dec 15 AM, The Virgin Birth
- Is
this one time event in
history identifying Jesus as the Son of God credible? The two documents
recording this event, their date, integrity and authors. Some pertinent
questions considered.
Dec 8 AM, "Came Down Out of Heaven”
- Jesus
said he did not come from here, but came from
heaven. Did he, or, was he insane? If he was, what does that mean for you
and me?
Dec 1 AM, A “Christian”
- What
is a “Christian”? What is a “Christian” church?
Dec 1 PM, Woman’s Worth … to Man
- See
previous lesson on woman’s value to God, Nov 3, pm. This lesson looks
especially at three texts that are wrongly interpreted and misapplied resulting
in devaluating woman in relation to man.
Nov 24 AM, Looking Back to the Bible
- Where
should be looking for our faith and practice? Should we be concerned
with “old paths” or embracing new beliefs and practices that fit the
modern age? Does insistence on following the Bible as a pattern put us out
of touch with contemporary needs?
Nov 24 PM, Misrepresentations of God’s
- Is
pointing out the error on another’s belief being “judgmental”? Are
only members of the Church of Christ going to heaven?
Nov 17 AM, The Jesus Myth: Is the Bible
True? Part 1 - Joel Fontenot
- What
is the historical basis for believing the Bible is the inerrant Word of
God? What about the claims that the modern Bible is full of errors, variations,
and mistakes from the original text, rendering it inaccurate and
Nov 17 PM, The Jesus Myth: Is the Bible
True? Part 2 - Joel Fontenot
- Is
the New Testament complete, or, were other valid gospels were
intentionally omitted? Is the story of Jesus based on pagan myths that
predate Christianity by hundreds of years?
Nov 10 AM, The Devil
- Need
to be aware of the devil and his schemes. Terms used of the devil. He is a
real being posssessing intelligence, will, and
power, and Jesus viewed him as His adversary. (Lesson II in the
evening—see below)
Nov 10 PM, The Devil, Part II
- Scriptures
indicating his nature and actions relative to his purpose in the world of
men. Jesus Christ conquered the devil in the realm of intelligence, will, and
power. (Lesson I in the morning—see above)
Nov 3 AM, He Will Convict the World of
Sin, Righteousness, and Judgment - Jn 16:8-11
- Who
will convict the world, how will he do it, and what does it mean that that
he will convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment? This
mission is vital to our faith.
Nov 3 PM, Woman’s Value in the Eyes of
- Does
God in the Bible portray women as inferior, to be
regarded and treated without respect?
Oct 27 AM, Beware of Covetousness
- In
Luke 12:15, Jesus warned of the danger of
"covetousness"—but what is it? He then said (v22f), "For
this reason…" we ought to understand some things that will defend
against it—what is it we need to understand and believe? Then he stressed
the urgency of all this by saying, "Be ready!" (v35f) Why the
Oct 27 PM, Withdrawing from Family
- Should
we withdraw from family members when they are impenitent? What if they are
a husband or wife? How does this impact association with sons, daughters,
brothers, or sisters?
Gospel Meeting - October 11-13 - Friday-Sunday
Friday #1 - Levi Allen - Design evidences a Designer [Rotational Velocity-PDF]
- Heb 3:4, “every house is built by someone” - Show
the evidence that design in creation supports faith in a Creator
Friday #2 - Craig Ottersbach - Singing praise
- Jam
5:13 - “Is anyone cheerful? He is to sing praise.” - Discuss the
obligation and value of signing praise from the heart.
Saturday AM #1 - Rocky Rodriguez - Divided interests
- 1Co
7:34 - “and his interests are divided” NASB - Discuss difficulties and
ways to meet them in a family where one mate is not a Christian
Saturday AM #2 - Craig Moore - Challenges to change
- Eph 4:20-24 - “put on the new self” - Discuss the
challenges one faces in a complete lifestyle change and how to be
Saturday PM #1 - Michael Gove - Importance of the local church
- 1Tim
3:15 - “the church...the pillar and support of the truth” - Show the
importance of a good local church and involvement in it to an individual
and a family
Saturday PM #2 - John Whitehead - Training children
- Pro
22:6 - “Train up a child in the way he should go” - Set forth important
principles in training children
Sunday AM - Mike Head - Studying the OT
- Rom
15:4 - “written for our instruction” - Show why studying the OT is
Sunday PM #1 - Doug Bernard - Commendable service
- Mt
25:23 "Well done, good and faithful servant" - Discuss
the importance of devoted service and the requisites to it
Sunday PM #2 - Juan Popich - Resolute devotion to the
- Acts
11:23 - “with resolute heart to remain true to the Lord” - Encourage
resolute devotion to the Lord
Oct 6 AM, Faith is the Victory that
Overcomes the World
- 1Jn
5:4,5 - What is the "world" John is talking about and how does
faith enable to overcome?
Oct 6 PM, Metonymy (see Sep 1 PM for 1st lesson)
- Understanding
metonymy can be a valuable tool in interpreting Scripture. This lesson
looks at several texts as examples: Ac 1:18, "acquired a field";
Lk 22:17,20, "cup"; Mk 6:48, "intended to pass by them"; Mt 16:19, "bind…loose"; Tit
1:5, "appoint"
Sep 29 AM, Deceitfulness of Riches
- Jesus
warned of the "deceitfulness of riches," Mk 4:19. How do
they deceive us? They make great promises, but ...
Sep 29 PM, The Work of the Church in Aiding
the Needy
- Who
is the local church authorized to extend benevolence to — needy people in
general, or, only those who are Christians? How would you answer, and can
you explain why you answered as you did?
Sep 22 AM, Why You Should Attend Sunday
Night and Wednesday Night
- To
encourage those who do not attend Sunday and Wednesday PM, commend those
who do, and to equip faithful saints to biblically admonish others.
Sep 22 PM, Misrepresentations of God's
- We
should not be surprised, ashamed, or alarmed that we are misrepresented
relative to our faith and practice. This lesson considers three
misrepresentations the people of God may hear: "You believe in water
salvation"; " You teach salvation by works of human merit
nullifying grace"; "You don't
believe in the Old Testament."
Sep 15 AM, Fight the Good Fight of Faith
- 1Tim
6:12 - This study looks at two things addressed in this letter to Timothy
that we must fight against: Temptation; Discouragement (See Sep 1 AM for
1st lesson)
Sep 15 PM, Hark the Herald Angels Sing (third
stanza) (slide)
- In
the third stanza: "Hail the Son of righteousness…ris'n
with healing in His wings….Come, Desire of the
Nations, come." These phrases are taken from two OT passages, one in
Malachi and one in Haggai. What do they mean?
Sep 8 AM, Faith in the Face of Unanswered
- There
are many difficult questions to which there is no answer, e.g. why are the
rigtheous allowed to suffer, why aren't the
wicked judged, etc. How can we have faith in the face of these real
Sep 8 pm, Dealing with Anger
- Christians
whould put aside anger and wrath, Col 3:8,9.
But, we may find it difficult. This lesson is a consideration of some
things that may help us.
Sep 1 AM, Fight the Good Fight of Faith
- 1Tim
6:12 - This study looks at two things addressed in this letter to Timothy
that we must fight against: Dishonesty; Deception (see Sep 15 AM for 2nd
Sep 1 PM, Metonymy
- Understanding
metonymy can be a valuable tool in interpreting Scripture. This lesson
looks at several texts that illustrate clearly its usage, and others that
are misinterpreted in religion today, e.g. Jn 6,
"eat my flesh"; 1Jn 2:20, "you have an anointing"; Eph 5:18, "filled with the Spirit"; Ac 1:5,
"baptized in the Holy Spirit"
Aug 25 AM, Inspiration of the Scriptures
- Some
might be told that the "modern thinker" does not believe every
part of the Bible is accurate, and deny the writers were infallibly
guided. Does the Bible claim to be the Word of God? How
did Jesus view the Scriptures?
Aug 18 AM, God's Plan for Saving Our
- The
desire of every godly parent is that their children sincerely, devotedly
serve God. What is your plan to reach that goal? This lesson looks at
God's two pronged plan.
Aug 18 PM, The Calling With Which We Have
Been Called, Eph 4:1 - Justin Brinkley
- What
is this calling? How should it make us think and live?
Aug 11 AM, Faith, Hope, and Perseverance
- Faith
is the foundation of hope and hope is vital to perseverance in the face of
Aug 11 PM, The Family and Its Impact
- The
family's tremendous impact emphasizes the importance of parental and
sibling influence. However, one is not a captive to the impact of the family and
one is thus responsible for their choices.
Aug 4 AM, Five Stubborn Facts - Todd
- Five
facts about Jesus Christ that cannot be denied
Aug 4 PM, You are the Christ - Todd
- What
did Peter's confession mean to them? What does it man
to you?
July 28 AM, Passion for the Old
Testament - Justin Brinkley
- Why
the Old Testament should cause our hearts to "burn within us" -
value of studying the Old Testament
July 28 PM, Dangers from Within - Neal
- Dangerous
thinking threatening the purity of churches of Christ
July 21 AM, - The Greatest Day -
Bubba Garner
- Three
lessons from the parable of the virgins to help us be prepared for the
greatest day of our life.
July 14 AM, Anger
- Is
it wrong to be angry? What are two kinds of anger the Scriptures discuss?
Does Eph 4:26 justify anger?
July 14 PM, Personal Evangelism - Justin
- Five
things that can help our approachability in trying to teach people the
July 7 AM, God and Giving
- The
proper attitude toward and practice in giving will be motivated and
governed by one's atitude toward God.
July 7 PM, Lessons from the Life of
Joseph - Justin Brinkley
- Lives
of people in the OT are recorded that we might learn from them. This
lesson is a study of ten practical lessons that can be learned from the
life of Joseph.
June 30 AM, You Have Need of Endurance
- In
the face of trials and difficulties, the Hebrews Christians are encouraged
to endurance in doing the will of God so they can
receive the reward, Heb 10:34-36. Endurance in
doing the will of God is needed in other areas as well, and
difficulties, disappointments, and other trials should not deter
June 30 PM, Response to the Gospel - Justin
- The
book of Acts shows people responding to the gospel without delay once they
heard it and were convinced of its truth. Should this not be a pattern for
our response to God's Word today?
June 23 AM, Jesus Christ - He Came from
Heaven (slides)
- In
the gospel of John, Jesus' heavenly origin and thus His divine nature is
brought forth, and it is made a vital factor of what men must believe
about Him.
June 23 PM, Baptism - Errors taught and
believed (slides)
[See June 16
PM for 3rd lesson; May 12 PM for 1st
- Is
baptism a sacrament? Christ was not baptized for remission of sins;
doesn't this show baptism is not for the remission of sins? Can one be
baptized by sprinkling or pouring?
June 16 AM, Filled with the Spirit - Eph
5:18f (slides)
- What
does it mean to be "filled with Spirit" as stated in Eph 5:18? What are the results? Comparison with
Colossians. Consideration of the context of Eph
5 and 6.
June 16 PM, Baptism - Errors taught and
believed (slides)
[See June
9 AM for 2nd lesson; June 23 PM for 4th
- Since
Paul said, "Christ sent not to baptize"—does this mean Paul did
not teach baptism was necessary for salvation? Literal water cannot touch
the soul, so how can baptism in water cleanse the soul from sin? Isn't
infant baptism found in the household baptisms of the New Testament?
June 9 AM, Baptism - Errors taught and
believed (slides)
[see May
12 PM for 1st lesson, June 16 PM for 3rd
- Isn't
baptism is a work? Paul said we are not saved by
works. Doesn't the fact that baptism is not mentioned in John 3:16 show
that it is not necessary to be saved?
June 9 PM, Who and When of Withdrawing
- Who
ought to be withdrawn from and when?
June 2 AM, Relationship to
Non-Christians - Coy Baldwin
- What
is our major responsibility to non-Christians? Suggestions for fulfilling
that responsibility.
June 2 PM - Thief on the Cross - Coy
- What
about the thief on the cross? Does his salvation prove baptism is not
necessary for salvation?
May 26 AM, What do you have a right to
expect as a member of a local church? (slides)
- As a
member of a local church, what do you have a right to expect of the
church, its leaders, its preachers?
May 19 AM, Elder's children
- Must
an elder have more than one child? Must they be Christians? Must they be
alive and faithful to the Lord?
May 19 PM, Elder's children - forum
- Forum
dealing with questions submitted relating to the morning lesson.
May 12 AM, What and Why of Withdrawing
- Withdrawing
from impenitient people is commanded. What is
"withdrawing"? Why did God command we do it?
May 12 PM, Baptism - Errors taught and
believed (slides)
[See June 9 AM for
second lesson]
- Is
baptism essential to be saved? If so, what about the thief on the cross?
Isn't it but a symbol of salvation already enjoyed? Necessary to obedience
but not to be saved?
May 5 AM, Evidence for Christ'
Resurrection—The Empty Tomb (slides)
- How
important is whether Jesus was raised from the dead? How can we ascertain
if it is true? A study of the evidence of the empty tomb.
May 5 PM, Efforts to Account for the Empty
Tomb (slides)
- A
look at the efforts made by unbelievers to acount
for the empty tomb.
Apr 28 AM, Plan of Salvation
- God
has a "plan" for man's salvation in Christ, Eph
1:9-10. This plan has requirements that must be obeyed, or complied
with, Ac 6:7. To ignore or alter these requirements is to change God's
plan. What are these?
Apr 28 PM, Three Things (slides)
- Paul
discusses three different kind of "things" in Col 2:20-3:17
(things of man-made religion; things of the world; things above) and
applies them to three different relationships (one-another; family;
Apr 21 AM, Working Together (slides)
- Lessons
from 1Corinthians to encourage brethren not to get discouraged or
misdirected in facing problems that arise when working together in a local
Apr 21 PM, When You Are Slandered (slides)
- Slander
is sinful and Christians will strive to avoid it.
But, what about when others slander you…?
Apr 14, Sun AM, Slander - It's Nature and
Fruits (slides)
- What
is "slander"? Must something be false to be slander? Is
"gossip" slander?
Apr 14, Sun PM, How to Avoid Slandering
- Some suggestions to
help us avoid falling guilty to slandering.
Apr 7, Sun AM, What Do You Think About the
Christ? (slides)
- Jesus
Christ asked this question of the Pharisees and His disciples. Whether
young, middle aged, or older, Christ would ask us the same question. What
is YOUR answer?
Mar 31, Sun AM, Is It Wrong To Want To Die?
- Thru
the ages people have wanted to die. Is that bad? Is that
an attitude a godly person ought to have?
Mar 31, Sun PM, The Family - Divine in Origin
- The
family originates with God, therefore Divine
Law regulates, Divine Wisdom orders, and Divine Care observes and judges.
Mar 24, Sun AM, The Lamb's Book of Life - Sunday
- Is
your name in the Lamb's Book of Life? Why you should want it there and how
to be sure it is there.
Mar 17, Sun AM, Mt 16:13-27, Upon This Rock I
Will Build My Church (slides)
- A
study of Mt 16:13-27 with particular focus on who
or what the "Rock" was that Jesus said He would build His church
on. Is Peter the "Rock" on which the church is built?
Mar 17, Sun PM, How can Peter being the Pope
be reconciled with the fact he was married?
- Since
the Pope must be a single man, but Peter was married, how could he be the
first Pope as Roman Catholicism teaches?
Mar 10, Sun AM, Faith and Fairy Tales
(slides) (Evidence alluded to and further
- Faith
in God and the Gospel is NOT like faith in fairy tales, as suggested by athiests and some "believers."
2Pt 1:16, "we did not follow cunningly devised fables …"
Mar 10, Sun PM, Noah's Salvation and Ours
- After mentioning the salvation of Noah, Peter says,
"corresponding to that, baptism now saves you…" 1Pt 3:21.
This lessons looks at three comparisons between Noah's salvation and ours.
Mar 3, Sun AM, Why…? (slides)
- From
ancient times men have asked, "Why…?" This lesson looks at some
of those, some of God's responses, and some vital questions we ought to
Mar 3, Sun PM, God asks, "Why…?" (slides)
- (Contrast
the morning lesson.) When God asks a question, it is not for information,
but to teach. His "Why?" questions provide valuable insight into
His will and attitude.
Feb 24, Sun AM, The Joy of the Lord is your
Strength, Neh 8:10 (slides)
The joy the Lord provides strength
against difficulties, trials, and temptations that confront us.
Feb 24, Sun PM, The Holy Spirit and the
Gospel (slides)
The Holy Spirit is involved in our
salvation from beginning to end. In what way?
Feb 17, Sun AM, How Shall the Young Secure
Their Hearts?
Words from the book of wisdom (Proverbs)
to help guard the young (and all) from destruction
Feb 17, Sun PM, Fruits of Atheism (slides) (notes with quotes)
What are the fruits of atheism?
Feb 3, Sun AM, How Shall the Young Secure
Their Hearts? (slides)
Words from the book of wisdom (Proverbs)
to help guard the young (and all) from destruction
Feb 3, Sun PM, Why I Believe in Jesus V (slides)
Objective reasons for believing in Jesus
(His moral glory)
Jan 27, Sun AM, Why I Believe in Jesus IV
Objective reasons for believing in Jesus
(Resurrection from the dead)
Jan 27, Sun PM, The Burden of the Lord
Jer 23:23-40 -
Attitudes toward "heavy" preaching about judgment and condemnation
Jan 20, Sun AM Bible Class, Romans chapters 12-13 Jesse
A study of these two chapters in Romans
Jan 20, Sun AM, The Deity of Christ Jesse
Jenkins (slides)
Jesus Christ was fully God as he was
fully man while on the earth
Jan 20, Sun PM, If the Foundations are Destroyed
. . . ? Jesse Jenkins (slides)
If the foundations of family, civil
government, and the church are destroyed, what will the righteous do?
Jan 19, Sat PM, Seven Sayings of Jesus on the
Cross Jesse Jenkins (slides)
Lessons from Jesus' sayings on the cross
Jan 19, Sat AM, Where God Recorded His Name Jesse
Jenkins (slides)
A lesson on authority with application
to modern day practices
Jan 18, Fri PM, Justification Jesse
Jenkins (slides)
Justification by grace thru an obedient
faith made possible by the blood of Christ.
Jan 13 AM, Worship Mike
God desires and deserves worship, but
this worship is for our good
Jan 6 AM, Resolutions (slides)
Resolutions in Scripture showing their
importance, impact, and absolute essentiality.
Jan 6 PM, Why I Believe in Jesus III (slides)
Objective reasons for believing in Jesus
(Fullfilled all prophecies of the Messiah)
Note: You can access the book by
Stoner referred to in the lesson here: