Family class 2017

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NOTE: Updated Nov 29, 2017 

Rainwater survey

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Audio of classes — Click on the link (date) to listen to the audio, or, right click on the link to download an mp3 copy to your computer. Classes taught by Steve Fontenot unless indicated otherwise.

Sep 02, Sun - Why Study the Family?  (The importance of the family can be seen in its impact on the nation, the church, and our relationship with God.)

Sep 05, Wed - Less1, Why Study the Family?  (Divorce in the U.S. Is it a possibility for you? The family was designed to be and can be “very good.”)     Less2, Proper Attitudes for a Study of the Family  (Tom Rainwater survey introduced. Everyone needs to study the family, regardless of age, marital status, other sources of counsel. Change may be difficult, but age no excuse.)

Sep 10, Sun - Less2, Proper Attitudes for a Study of the Family  (Who’s to blame if our families are not what we want them to be? God’s Word is the sure foundation on which to build a stable, loving, and lasting family.)   Less3, Communication   (Communication is vital if we wish to continue to build our families. But, what is “communication”? It is not simply talking to one another.)

Sep 13, Wed - Less3, Communication  (If communication is so vital, why don’t people communicate? Some potential reasons considered — failure to keep confidence; volitile, harsh responses; insulting false accusations; conceit that cannot allow one to see they may be wrong; hypercritical, hypocritical judging)

Sep 17, Sun - Less 3, Communication  (Additional reasons considered that may hinder communication — all criticism, no commendation; adverse reaction to criticism; harping on past mistakes; not listening carefully to understand; harboring anger)

Sep 20, Wed - Less4, Purpose of the Husband/Wife Relationship  (What is the purpose of the husband/wife relationship? There is widespread ignorance and misunder-standing. Genesis 2 reveals God’s design for marriage. Man had a problem; God provided the answer; then he brought the answer and the problem together for the solution—marriage.)

Sep 24, Sun - Less4, Purpose of the Husband/Wife Relationship. (Polygamy’s origin; Some practical applications of the purpose of the H/W relationship)  Less5, Authority in the H/W relationship  (Authority in the H/W relationship is delegated authority. Responsibilities in respecting and in exercising delegated authority.) 

Sep 27, Wed - Less5, Authority in the H/W relationship  (Delegated authority should be used to serve others, and the pridful selfish use of it can lead to rebellion and division. The explicit, peculiar, and imperitave responsibilities of the husband and wife are set forth in Eph 5:22-33. God intended there be mutual respect in the relationship.)

Oct 1, Sun - Less5, Authority in the H/W relationship   (“as with a weaker vessel” - what does that mean? Woman’s authority in the family. HIstory lessons about use and view of authority - Lot; David and Abigail.)

Oct 4, Wed - Less5, Authority in the H/W relationship  (HIstory lessons about authority - David and Bathsheba; period of the Judges).  Less 6, Caring Love in the H/W relationship. (Nature of caring love—an attitude, not a feeling, that always seeks the welfareof the person loved. Proved by action; measured by sacrifice.)

Oct 8, Sun - Less 6, Caring Love in the H/W relationship  (Responsibilities of the husband and the wife to exercise caring love as discussed in Eph 5:22-33; Tit 2:4-5; Pro 31:10-31)

Oct 11, Wed - Less 6, Caring Love in the H/W relationship  (The love of 1Co 13, Rom 12:9-21, applied to the H/W relationship.; Less 7, Affectionate Love in the H/W relationship  (Nature and value of affectionate love illlustrated by the feelings and interaction of Jacob, Rachel, and Leah, Gen 29)

Oct 15, Sun - Less 7, Affectionate Love in the H/W relationship (“Reuben," “ imeon," “Levi," “Zebulun" a testimony to the importance of affectionate love. Affectionate love without caring love can be selfish, cruel, unlawful, and immoral — illustrated by the cases of Shechem and Dinah, Samson and Delilah, Amnon and Tamar)

Oct 18, Wed - Less 7, Affectionate Love in the H/W relationship  (Song of Solomon - a song extolling pure, affectionate love)  Less 8, Intimate Love in the H/W relationship (What we mean by “intimate love”; it’s origin, purity and importance)

Nov 1, Wed - Less 8, Intimate Love in the H/W relationship  (Discussed 1Co 7:1-5, Pro 5:15-23, Pro 7:10-18 as they pertain to this area of the H/W relationship.)

Nov 8, Wed - Less 9, Problems in the H/W Relationship   (Money, Religion, In-laws)

Nov 12, Sun - Less 9, Problems in the H/W Relationship   (Flirtatiousness, Suspiciousness, Laziness)

Nov 19, Sun - Less 10, Parent-Child Relationship.  (Children’s responsibility to honor their parents and what that entails

Nov 22, Wed - Less 10, Parent-Child Relationship   (Parents’ responsibility to love, train.)

Nov 26, Sun - Less 10, Parent-Child Relationship   (Guidance from Proverbs; power of example) - no recording

Nov 29, Wed - Less 11, Brother-Sister Relationship   (Jealousy a recurring cause of sibling conflict. Suggestions for overcoming jealousy and avoiding strife.)