Plan of Salvation   

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Brochure introducing the studies (can be downloaded, printed, and folded to make a trifold handout)

Class lessons

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Audio of classes — Click on the link (lesson title) to listen to the audio, or, right click on the link to download an mp3 copy to your computer. Classes taught by Steve Fontenot unless indicated otherwise. The “#number” is the lesson number studied in that class.

Sep 2, Wed, #21 (finish); #22, Review

Aug 30, Sun, #20 (finish); #21, Few are Saved

Aug 26, Wed, #19 (finish); #20 Apostasy

Aug 23, Sun, #18 (finish); #19, Forgivess for the Christian

Aug 19, Wed, #18, Faithfulness

Aug 16, Sun, #16 (finish); #17, Cases of Conversion

Aug 12, Wed, #15 (finish); #16, One Baptism

Aug 9, Sun, #15, Baptism is Immersion

Aug 5, Wed, #14, Religious Zeal and Salvation (finish)

Aug 2, Sun, #13 (finish), #14, Religious Zeal and Salvation

July 29, Wed, #13, Feelings as Evidence of Salvation

July 26, Sun, #12, Salvation by Faith Only

July 22, Wed, #11 (finish); #12, Salvation by Faith Only

July 19, Sun, #11, Infant Baptism

July 15, Wed, #10, Baptism, Death, and the New Life, Rom 6

July 12, Sun, #9, Paul’s Conversion 

July 8, Wed, #8, Design of Baptism 

July 5, Sun, #7, The Great Commission 

July 1, Wed, #6, Confession

June 28, Sun, #5, Repentance

June 24, Wed, #4, Grace and Works (finish)

June 21, Sun, #3 (finish); #4, Grace and Works (thru #2)

June 17, Wed, #3, Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God (thru 2c)

June 14, Sun, #2, The Gospel (Jn 3:16)

June 10, Wed, Introduction; #1: Man’s Lost Condition