Jesus Commends … 


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Teacher’s Edition

Including answers, notes.

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Audio of classes — Click on the link (lesson title) to listen to the audio, or, right click on the link to download an mp3 copy to your computer. Classes taught by Steve Fontenot unless indicated otherwise. 

Sep6 - Jesus’ Commendations (not recorded)

Sep9 - A Centurion: “Such Great Faith!” Mt 8; Lk 7

Sep13 - John the Baptist: Manliness Mt 11; Lk 7

Sep16 - A Leper: Giving Thanks to God Lk 17

Sep20 - Mary: “Mary has Chosen the Good Part”

Sep23 - Nathanael: “Israelite Indeed, in Whom is No Deceit!”

Sep27 - His disciples: Eyes that See, Ears that Hear

Sep30 - Peter: Confession of the Christ

Oct4 - Canaanite Woman: “Your Faith is Great”

Oct7 - Samaritan: “Proved to a Neighbor”   Neal McLeroy

Oct11 - A Woman: “She has Done What She Could”   Craig Moore

Oct14 - Lazarus: “Carried Away … to Abraham’s bosom”   Doug Bernard

Oct18 - Children: Spirit of Humility  Jeff Bogs

Oct21 - Thyatira: “Your Deeds … are Greater than at the First”  Craig Ottersbach

Oct25 - Repentant Thief: “You Shall be with Me in Paradise”

Oct28 - Moses: “He Wrote about Me”

Nov1 - Ephesus: Perseverance in Testing False Apostles

Nov4 - Servants: “More Blessed to Give than to Receive”

Nov8 - Ross Triplett - Gospel Meeting

Nov11 - Immoral Woman: “She Loved Much”

Nov15 - Four Men and a Paralytic: “Seeing their Faith”

Nov18 - Blind man: He was able to “See”

Nov22 - Zaccheus: “A Son of Abraham”

Nov25 - Poor widow: “Put in All that She Had”

Nov29 - Pergamum: “Hold Fast my Name, and did Not Deny My Faith”

Dec2 - Review